It is a truth that feeding your dog a diet of 100% human-grade dog food is simple, inexpensive, and far superior to a standard canine diet of processed kibble!
My simple homemade dog food recipe combines lean ground sirloin, wholesome brown rice, fresh vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, and tender herbs for a healthy, vibrant alternative to traditional dog food.
The kidney's primary role is to filter toxins from our bodies, and because tap water can be contaminated with chemicals and pathogens, it is recommended to only give your dog clean, filtered water to drink. If you have a dog with renal illness, as we have, you may want to ultimately invest in a slow water feeder since dogs with kidney disease can get pretty thirsty and can actually begin drinking water too quickly, which presents its own set of difficulties.
Humans, like our pets, do not acquire all of the vitamins and minerals they require from a one-stop-shop diet. Whether your dog consumes kibble or you prepare a homemade dog food recipe like this one, he or she requires vitamins. We love and use the brand Dog Greens! It's a plant-based vitamin and mineral powder that we just shake over the dog's food before each feeding.
Excellent choices are lean ground beef, ground chicken, ground white or dark meat turkey, and ground pork. Just be certain that any meat you give your animals is devoid of spices when you buy it!
Brown rice has all of the fiber from the hull of the rice grain and is easily digested, making it an excellent addition to homemade dog food! If you are lowering the amount of phosphorus in your dog's diet due to renal problems, you can substitute white rice.
Eggs are one of the top five allergens in dogs, and the yolks are high in phosphorus, which should be avoided in dogs with renal illness. However, eggs are one of the finest quality protein sources you can offer your pet!
Many fresh and dried herbs are beneficial to dogs! The curly, rather than flat-leaf, kind of parsley is excellent for kidney health. It's good for your organs (which will help prevent disease). However, if your dog has been diagnosed with a renal illness, you should reduce their consumption of parsley entirely. Herbs like cilantro, thyme, or basil are tasty alternatives for your dog that are also high in health benefits!
You should add a few teaspoons of Omega-3-rich oil to each batch of dog chow you prepare. I normally just use olive oil or safflower oil because I always have these on hand and they are inexpensive. There are also wonderful Omega oil mixes on the market that contain Omegas 3, 6, and 9, but they are a little more expensive.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional consultation or advice related to your health or finances. No reference to an identifiable individual or company is intended as an endorsement thereof. Some or all of this article may have been generated using artificial intelligence, and it may contain certain inaccuracies or unreliable information. Readers should not rely on this article for information and should consult with professionals for personal advice.